Water Horses, Wild Gods and the Hare in the Moon: Stories from The Treasury of Folklore
![The Treasury of Folklore by Dee Dee Chainey and Willow Winsham](https://folklorethursday.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Folklore-stack_.png)
A Treasury of Folklore: Waterlands, Wooded Worlds and Starry Skies will be released on 1st August, 2024.
A Treasury of Folklore: Waterlands, Wooded Worlds and Starry Skies will be released on 1st August, 2024.
Fancy a folkloric read? Check out FolkloreThursday’s books!
With the recent announcement about the weekly Twitter hashtag day hosting coming to a close, we though a list of folklore links from around the web might come in handy! We have #FolkloreThursday’s list of places to find folklore and related topics–on and offline–for your delectation!
One of the main tactics the Norse gods employed in their struggles, aside from outright trickery and brute force, was trading verbal insults.
When one hears the word “zombie” various images come to mind: usually that of flesh-eating, brain-devouring monsters; that is just our modern perception.
We’ve just received an exciting press release about an exhibition charting the history of the The Museum of British Folklore.
The Norwegian folktale, “East of the Sun and West of the Moon,” in which a white bear comes to take a poor girl away, is loved by people the world over. It is also part of a huge cycle of folklore and myth that has spanned Eurasia in the last 2500 years.
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