Centre for Myth Studies 10th Anniversary Symposium: The Old & the New
2018 marks the tenth anniversary of the Centre for Myth Studies at the University of Essex.
2018 marks the tenth anniversary of the Centre for Myth Studies at the University of Essex.
The Chime Child is one of the most enchanting books I know. It begins with the rustle of autumn deep in the Somerset countryside where villagers, mindful of the old ways, have set up a corn dolly for Harvest Festival.
Folklore can be said to flourish in times of unrest and oppression, and can be seen as a powerful and imaginative means of resistance to social tyranny.
Academic folklore studies—or folkloristics—is a field of scholarship devoted to the classification, documentation, and interpretation of folklore and folklife.
With the recent announcement about the weekly Twitter hashtag day hosting coming to a close, we though a list of folklore links from around the web might come in handy! We have #FolkloreThursday’s list of places to find folklore and related topics–on and offline–for your delectation!
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