#FolkloreThursday in the Press


BBC News: This Country star says folklore’s thriving on social media
#FolkloreThursday was given a shout-out in Charlie Cooper’s BBC News piece about folklore thriving on social media.

Razz magazine website
Dee Dee and Willow spoke with Razz Magazine about the release of their latest book, The Treasury of Folklore.


Library of Congress talk
Dee Dee spoke about #FolkloreThursday at a Library of Congress Symposium in 2021.

Countryfile podcast info poster
Dee Dee enjoyed talking to Fergus Collins at BBC Countryfile Magazine about #FolkloreThursday’s new book, Treasury of Folklore – Seas and Rivers: Sirens, Selkies and Ghost Ships. We had a brilliant chat about mermaids, sailor lore and more. Thank you again, Fergus!


The Mary Sue magazine cover
@TheMarySue featured some spooky September lore from #FolkloreThursday!





@TheMarySue kindly featured #FolkloreThursday when we were overwhelmed with posts from Taylor Swift fans after she announced her new album. Who would have thought?



@DeeDeeChainey talks about ‘Cinderella’ on ‘The Why Factor‘ for the BBC World Service


Huge thanks to @DanCoxonAuthor for mentioning #FolkloreThursday in his brilliant article in The @Guardian: “From #HoundoftheBaskervilles to the #Essex Serpent: #Top10 Folk Tales in Fiction


Vice UK website screentshot
We were really pleased to talk to at about , folklore, fairy tales and things that go bump in the night! Do check it out to learn some terrifying tales and traditions…


British folklore: How the traditional tales are benefiting from modern culture
Thanks to @davidmbarnett for interviewing #FolkloreThursday for his @Independent piece about @FolkloreSociety‘s map!



#FolkloreThursday was featured on BBC Trending on 31 March 2016. Many thanks to the @BBCtrending team for an excellent day at the Tower of London!


#FolkloreThursday appeared in The Independent on 8 March 20016 (print and online). Many thanks to journalist @davidmbarnett for featuring us.


#FolkloreThursday Around the Web

An excellent article on the resurgence of folktales for @PositiveNewsUK by Lucy Purdy.
An interview by Remy Dean with Willow and Dee Dee about writing, folklore, and more!

Interesting article on the women, witches and folklore for @ThePoolUK by Caroline O’Donoghue.

Mention in Resurgence Mag, from @Jini_Reddy.


#LadySciPod! @historein discusses #FolkloreThursday & @k8shep talks Murray & witches! See: Episode 2!




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