Fee, Fie, Fo, Fum: Behind Jack and the Beanstalk

“I’ve got something a lot better to exchange for that cow though, Jack,” said the man. “Something much more valuable than boring old money; something I think you’ll like, a lad of your… discerning taste.” The man’s eyes were twinkling, and out of his pocket he brought a handful of…beans.”

Tales of Britain: A Long Expected Journey

A year and a half after our call to action to support Unbound Publishing’s 21st century roadmap of British folktales, Tales of Britain, is finally available to buy — but it’s been a long and winding road, and the campaign continues…

Sardinian Folklore: Gino Bottiglioni’s Tales of Giants and Fairies, Elves and Plagues

have a confession to make: I’m a bibliophile. I have a small collection of very, very old books and still count the moment I touched a middle ages herbal worth more than my apartment as a highlight of my life. I mean, this surely doesn’t come as a shock here on #FolkloreThursday, albeit it does […]

Trolls, Hulders and Nisses: The Preternatural Creatures of Norwegian Folklore

Despite a great many people knowing that Norway is awash with folklore, many would be hard-pressed to name a Norwegian folk narrative beyond the folk tales “The Three Billy-goats Gruff” and perhaps “East of the Sun and West of the Moon.”

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