Diving for stories – Wild Waves & Wishing Wells

If the body of Ireland is The Emerald Isle, then surely it follows that her veins are made of sapphire? The (true) story goes: that there is nowhere in Ireland that is further than sixty(ish) miles from the sea, and inland there are forty five thousand(ish) miles of waterways and a good pouring of lakes and ponds, then it’s no surprise that water appears central to many of our myths and stories.

Trolls, Hulders and Nisses: The Preternatural Creatures of Norwegian Folklore

Despite a great many people knowing that Norway is awash with folklore, many would be hard-pressed to name a Norwegian folk narrative beyond the folk tales “The Three Billy-goats Gruff” and perhaps “East of the Sun and West of the Moon.”

British Legends: The Origin of Albion and the Bloodlust of Albina and Her Sisters

According to British medieval legend and myth, the island now known as Britain was once named Albion after an exiled queen named Albina.

Folklore of Archaeology: Of Giants, Fairies, Megaliths and Menhirs

While much fairy folklore associated with prehistoric sites centres around barrows and brochs, many megaliths are linked to fairies, goblins and their counterparts, in both legend and etymology.

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