The Mystery of the Green Man

Finding Green Men in medieval churches was a game for myself and my young charge; others have made it an all-engrossing spiritual quest. Deep things have been said about the head in the leaves: he is a trickster, a prophet, the guardian and revealer of mysteries. Well, maybe.

Marian of Sherwood

Mention Maid Marian and Sherwood Forest in the same breath, and most people think of Robin Hood’s lady love. The forest outlaw and the noble lady are tied together so closely in modern folklore, popular literature, and movies, it’s hard to imagine one without the other.

Tales of Britain: A Long Expected Journey

A year and a half after our call to action to support Unbound Publishing’s 21st century roadmap of British folktales, Tales of Britain, is finally available to buy — but it’s been a long and winding road, and the campaign continues…

A Real Robin Hood: Tales of Wild Kynaston and his Satanic Steed, Beelzebub

Remy Dean explores the stories of Wild Kynaston; a medieval noble turned highwayman who may have inspired some of the tales of the legendary Robin Hood.

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