Hey, #FolkloreThursday-ers!
This website has paid the ferryman’s obol and is no longer regularly updated. Links might have been visited by Hypnos and taking a nap. Some info might be out-of-date. This virtual haven remains as a heartfelt tribute to the incredible spirit and hard work of our team and all our fantastic contributors. Let’s cherish the memories together!
Don’t forget, while our wonderful hosts no longer retweet during the weekly Twitter hashtag day, you can still take part. We have a list of weekly themes here on the website for inspiration.
And do not despair! We have #FolkloreThursday’s list of places to find folklore and related topics – on and offline – for your delectation!
Do consider buying our books if you would like to support all of #FolkloreThursday’s work over the last few years!
Support our team’s work
Dee Dee Chainey @DeeDeeChainey
Amelia Starling @willowwebwords
Amanda Edmiston~Botanica Fabula~Herbal Storyteller @HerbalStorytell
Centre for Folklore, Myth and Magic (Todmorden, England) @CentreMyth
Historium Unearthia @HistoriumU
Fabulous Folklore Podcast @IcySedgwick
Of course, see the team page for everyone who has contributed to #FolkloreThursday over the years, and also check out our brilliant Patreon supporters!
The Twitter folklore week
Mythology Monday, @MythologyMonday
#MythologyMonday. Stories from world mythology, every Monday. Founded by @independentpen, @AimeeMaroux & @ClassicalMyths.
Fairy Tale Tuesday, @FairyTale_Tues
#FairyTaleTuesday @FairyTale_Tues, (founded and curated by @AmandaBergloff) is a place every Tuesday for lovers of fairy tales, folktales, legends, and myths from around the world to share stories, art, music and film based on the weekly theme found on our Twitter page. We welcome everyone to join us, as it’s a great way to learn and be inspired.

Wyrd Wednesday, @WyrdWednesday
#WyrdWednesday is all about spreading the Wyrd and Wynderfyl every Wednesday. The hashtag celebrates oddities and eccentricities with weekly themes that range from bizarre historical events to esoteric cultural paradigms to quirky elements of pop culture. #WyrdWednesday is hosted by the 3 Mothers of the Wyrd @DirkPuehl, @MaeneSigne, and @RGeirsson.
Folklore Thursday, @FolkloreThurs
While the #FolkloreThursday tag will no longer be hosted from March 3rd 2022, we do hope that people will continue to use the hashtag each week. We’d love people to share their own folklore to the tag, and support each other–and maintain the community–by liking and sharing each other’s posts. The latest #FolkloreThursday tweets can always be viewed here (just by searching for #FolkloreThursday on Twitter, and then clicking the ‘latest’ tab.)
And, in case you would like a theme to tweet, we’ve prepared a list of weekly hashtag day themes covering the whole year!
You can also still read all of our folklore articles on the freshly updated website, www.FolkloreThursday.com.
Book Chat Weekly, @BookChatWeekly
Join us at #BookChatWeekly to share inspiration for readers, writers and dreamers! Hosted each weekday by
@Kerria. Join us each THURSDAY for a THEMED DAY!
Faustian Friday, @ofdarknmacabre
#ofdarkandmacabre is a page and a hashtag dedicated to #Darkfolklore and #Folkhorror, art, literature, movies & all the other #Gothic and beautifully dark & macabre things, run by Natalja Saint-Germain and Dirk Puehl.
#FaustianFriday is #ofdarkandmacabre’s weekly main event, featuring a new dark and macabre theme like “Clairvoyants, Ghost Whisperers and Fortunetellers”, “Burning Bright–Folklore, Symbolism & the Magic of Fire” or “In the Corner of your Eye: Urban Mythology and Lore” under the #FaustianFriday hashtag with the help of Neveen Badr every Friday.
Everyone is invited to use the # and participate with their take on the topic. Over and above that, #ofdarkandmacabre hosts and co-hosts several thematic weekly and monthly events during the year, like #Gothic12tide, #DarkGreenweek, #31DaysofHalloween, #GothicAdvent or #YuleFolklore, sharing their own content and that of people participating and tweeting under the event hashtag. With more to come!
Superstition Saturday, @SuperstitionSat
Superstition Saturday was officially launched in April 2020 on Twitter. Their purpose is to share superstitions, charms or good luck omens from around the world to show how we are all connected through hope in positive outcomes. Sessions are hosted by mascot Superstition Sam every Saturday between 12pm and 12am using the hashtag #SuperstitionSat.
Founded by @avalonbalcony. Visit their website and Instagram.
BookWormSat(urday), @lit_saturday
#BookWormSat is about celebrating literature every Saturday. We share the literary gems that continue to inspire us centuries after they were written. From medieval literature to poetry inspired by mythology to Gothic novels. Above all, the hashtag is about having fun. #BookWormSat is hosted by @maenesigne and @
Swamp Sunday, @swampsunday
#SwampSunday features the folklore, mythology and aesthetics of swamps and other waterbodies. The thematic hashtag is hosted every Sunday by Natalja Saint-Germain (@bjorn_stjerne), but it always stays topic-free for the main purpose of the project is to teach people in the form of entertainment to love such an important, and yet demonized part of our environment as swamps. Over that, as swamps seldom happen to exist without forests, a permanent hashtag #dontgointothewoods is about to be introduced within #SwampSunday to broaden the subject and raise awareness about deforestation. Do visit the Instagram account too.
Other places to find folklore
American Folklife Centre @americanfolklifecenter
The American Folklore Society @afsfolklorists
Centre of Contemporary Legend, @centre_4_legend
English Folk Dance and Song Society @TheEFDSS
Folk Horror Revival @folk_horror
The Folklore Library & Archive @LibraryFolklore
The Folklore Society (UK) @FolkloreSociety
Gramarye: The Journal of the Chichester Centre for Fairy Tales, Fantasy and Speculative Fiction @ChiCentreFFSF
Haunted Ohio Books @hauntedohiobook
Hellebore Magazine@helleborezine
Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai @ZackDavisson
Lancashire Folk @lancashirefolk
Mythological Africans @MythicAfricans
Norwegian Folktales @SimonRoyHughes
Black Fairy Tales & Folktales Matter–Useful Resources @InkGypsy
Rituals and Declarations @RitualsZine
Salt & Mirrors & Cats @Saltmirrorscats
Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage @smithsonianfolk
The Taibhsear Collective @TaibhsearCol
Folklore courses
Carterhaugh School of Folklore and the Fantastic, founders: Brittany Warman and Sara Cleto.
Introduction to British Folklore course, Mark Norman.
Folklore Studies MA, University of Hertfordshire
Centre of Contemporary Legend, Sheffield Hallam University, @centre_4_legend
Taught MLitt in Ethnology and Folklore, The Elphinstone Institute, University of Aberdeen
Folklore and Public Culture Program, University of Oregon
Alternative Stories Podcast @StoriesAlt
Away With The Fairies Podcast @PodcastFairies
Bone and Sickle Podcast @boneandsickle
By The Fire Podcast @bythefire_pod
The Curiosity of a Child Podcast @curichildpod
Dark Histories Podcast @DarkHistories
Eerie Essex Podcast @Eerie_Essex
Feyfellows Podcast @feyfellows
Folklore and Fiction @csmaccath
The Folklore Podcast @folklorepod
History and Folklore Podcast @HistoryFolklore
History With Cats @Hstry_with_Cats
Legendary Africa Podcast @Legendarypod1
The Monster Guys @TheMonsterGuys
Myth Monsters Podcast @mythmonsterspod
Tales and Folklore From the Sacred Isle @TheSacredIsle
Tales of Britain and Ireland @BritIrelandTale
TalesFromTheEnchantedForest Podcast @FromEnchanted
Urban Legends Podcast @ULPodcast
What the Folklore Podcast @WTFolklore
WitchStory Podcast @witchstorypod
Wonderer’s History Podcast @WondererHistory