The Magic of the Fairy Glen: Merlin’s Hiding Place

Merlin, the Mage, slept in the land on two portentous occasions: once leading up to the birth of Arthur; the second just before, and well beyond, the death of the Once and Future King… Each time there was a mighty mythical beast involved – the Afanc and the Red Dragon.

A Year and a Day – My Top 5 Characters from the Mabinogion

The Mabinogion is a mess of misconstrued mythology, a minefield of mistranslation and misinterpretations. It’s also the font of all fantasy, a literary sub-genre that did not have any following before Lady Charlotte Guest presented her loose translation, first published in seven volumes between 1838 and 1845. Much effort was put into making them read as a cohesive, integrated story, which they were not. They were compiled from many traditional tales told in the Welsh language dating right back to the earliest bardic tradition and originate in an ancient culture that spanned pre-Roman Briton and Eire.

A Real Robin Hood: Tales of Wild Kynaston and his Satanic Steed, Beelzebub

Remy Dean explores the stories of Wild Kynaston; a medieval noble turned highwayman who may have inspired some of the tales of the legendary Robin Hood.

The Tribulations of Dick Whittington and His Faithful Feline Friend

It seems fairly logical to begin our search for the real Dick Whittington at Whittington Castle in Shropshire, which local lore claims to have been his home.

This, That and the Other: Folklore of the Three Realms

A lot of folklore is concerned with other realms. Worlds that exist apart, yet overlap or interact to varying degrees. It is this aspect that aligns many features of myth, folklore and religion around the terrestrial realm we all share… and the idea of the Three Realms has been repeatedly explored through stories, art, psychology, […]

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