The Werewolf Panic of the 1970s

In the autumn of 1972, numerous Swedish newspapers described how werewolves were causing people to panic in a town in a town in southern Sweden. According to the articles, fearsome werewolf attacks caused a “werewolf panic”, children were “paralysed with fear”, and one article even said that the following concerning the werewolves, “three school children killed!

Top 5 Irish Cryptids: the Good, the Bad and the Muckie

For centuries, stories from Irish myth and legend have ignited imaginations all over the world. Today, mysterious records of seemingly-impossible creatures keep that tradition alive. From impolite wolfmen to Ireland’s very own lake monster mystery, the following list has got all of the information you need to brush up on your knowledge of the unseen entities that call this fascinating island nation home.

Werewolves that Fish and Fight in Battles: The Scottish Wulver and Irish Faoladh in Folklore

Werewolves. The name alone conjures up nightmarish images from our current pop culture horror films starring this shapeshifting man-wolf.

Why Werewolves Eat People: Cannibalism in the Werewolf Narrative

The one constant throughout visual and literary representations of the werewolf is the willing – or unwilling – consumption of human flesh. This trope is drawn directly from the ancient origin of the werewolf myth.

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