British Legends: Beowulf and the Great Flame Dragon

Beowulf is an anonymously written long poem originally written in Old English, the language commonly spoken in England in Anglo-Saxon times. It is named after its protagonist, Beowulf, a warrior from Geatland, and tells of his heroic adventures, great strength, courage, and prowess in battle.

British Legends: The Lust of Uther Pendragon, Merlin’s Prophecy and the Making of a King

The legendary Uther Pendragon was the father of Arthur Pendragon who was destined to become the greatest King of the Britons. Arthur would drive out the invading Saxons, bring peace to the country and build an empire in Europe.

British Legends: Treachery, Murder, Lust and Rowena – The Rule of Vortigern

Vortigern was legendary 5th century King of the Britons featured in the work of early British writers such as Gildas, Nennius, Bede, Geoffrey of Monmouth and others.

British Legends: The Origin of Albion and the Bloodlust of Albina and Her Sisters

According to British medieval legend and myth, the island now known as Britain was once named Albion after an exiled queen named Albina.

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