Mixing Animals, Birds, Humans and Gods in Celtic Mythology

Animals played an important part in the everyday life of the ancients Celts. In Celtic mythology the lives of animals, birds, humans and gods are interwoven to provide rich stories alluding to important matters in their society such as life and death, love and hate, jealousy and lust. Provide here is a brief review of some of those myths and legends.

The Legendary Puss in Boots and the Marquis of Carabas

Some people believe cats to be superior beings who carefully train their humans to provide for their needs. Presented here is a retelling of a story by Charles Perrault which was a retelling of earlier stories by other authors. He called his story, The Master Cat or Puss in Boots, which features a rather magical cat.

Top Five Mythical Birds in Legend and Folklore

The alkonost, the sirin, the roc, the phoenix and the caladrius are all five mythical birds from legend and folklore. Each were attributed their own magical qualities and roles by various human societies in history and presented here is a brief description of these five fabled creatures.

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