Here’s an introduction to the trees featured in the Ogham alphabet!
In honor of this week’s arboreal #FolkloreThursday, here’s an introduction to the trees featured in the Ogham alphabet!
(At least one of the Ogham alphabets, there’re like 12 of them, don’t @ me.)
(Unless you can @ me in Ogham.)— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
Birch-wood cradles are proof against fairies
Who would kidnap your child in its sleep
Its twigs work as bristles for besoms
It’s a magic AND mundane clean sweep!#folklorethursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
Radiant Rowan protects us
Some twigs & red thread’s all you need
Or a big solid branch (qua shillelagh)
Will put witches & imps to their speed#folklorethursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
The Bleeding Tree (aka Alder)
Sheds a sap of deep purplish-red
It’s wood’s good for shields, but take caution
Or as Bran would say, “Don’t lose your head.”#folklorethursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
The Willow is bridge to the next life
O’er a grave, it keeps bad spirits sleeping
It reminds us that death’s not forever
So for now, let it do all your weeping#folklorethursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
Use ash wood to keep away serpents
Or when making your own besom broom
But it does “court the flash” (i.e. lightning)
Don’t be near one when thunder goes boom#folklorethursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
Hawthorn trees are protected by faeries
If you harm one, you really should worry
Your fortunes are doomed ever after
(See: DeLorean, John and Dunmurry.)#folklorethursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
The Oak is the king of the forest
It protects you from lightning’s fierce strikes
It’s also quite useful at Yuletide
(It’s the only tree mistletoe likes)#folklorethursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
A Yule without imps, sprites, or goblins
Means a front door that’s wreathed all in holly
Burn the branches when done (don’t just toss ’em)
Or your next year is hexed (which ain’t jolly)#folklorethursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
For wisdom & powers prophetic
To Hazel you should turn your eyes
The fruit of its nut bestows insight
(Gives new meaning to phrase “cracking wise”)#folklorethursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
Apple trees bring us wisdom and magic
And the Otherworld’s doors they ope wide
Just don’t eat one while hanging with fairies
Unlike Eden, that traps you *in*side!#folklorethursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
The Bramble’s black berries are tasty
Before eating them though, please remember
The Devil has Michaelmas plans for that bush
Get your fill ere the end of September!#FolkloreThursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
Ivy was used to heal headaches
When a Druid’s hangover was tragic
He’d bind leaves round’ his forehead to cure it
Like a B12 IV drip, but magic#folklorethursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
Use some reeds to make St. Brigid’s crosses
Or for candles, or thatching, or pens
Just don’t follow their music at nighttime
Or you’ll wind up hip-deep in the fens!#folklorethursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
Blackthorn’s a tree of ill omen
But its branches protect you from woe
A stick of its wood wards bad faeries
Or at least makes them think “Take this sloe.”#folklorethursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
Elder wood’s good for a toothache
But when taking a branch, be polite
Ask permission or else it’ll curse you
Its bark ain’t as bad as its bite#folklorethursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
The evergreen Fir tree with its groanings
Giant-like stretches up to the sky
It’s a symbol of life everlasting
(But if one falls on you you’ll still die)#folklorethursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
Lucky Heather sweeps over the country
Its blossoms are rosy or pale
It brings courage and luck to your love-life
(Doubly so when it’s used to make ale!)#folklorethursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
Golden furze brings fertility to livestock
When it blooms, that’s the season to kiss
(All you Don Juans can chill – it blooms year-round
So your window for love’s hard to miss)#folklorethursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
Aspen’s not used for ski-making
Nor for arrows, despite all its quivers
But it CAN heal a person from ague
If you ask it to take on your shivers.#folklorethursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018
Yew’s a symbol of reincarnation
And how life & death’s wheel e’er spins round
If you’ve ghosts, plant a few in the graveyard –
They keep unquiet dead in the ground#folklorethursday— Vengeful_Doe (@Vengeful_Doe) February 22, 2018